October, 2018 | Mattdfox.com

Monthly Archives: October 2018

how to get your needs met and heard

The real reason you don’t get heard

It happens again and again. You express a need. It’s met with denial, outrage or dismissal.  You’re left bewildered. On the verge of collapse or maybe rage. You’re told you come across as controlling or domineering. It’s hard to calibrate how you ask for things, when you aren’t used to doing it. Or have low expectations of getting those needs […]

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how i stopped being a self-help junky

How I stopped being a self-help junky

There was a time in my life when I would never ask for help. Even now, it’s not my first instinct. I’m used to sorting out my problems by myself. Call me a self-help specialist, if you will. Ironic for a therapist, I’d say. You might say it’s independence. Or some might describe it as stubbornness. At the heart, though, I think […]

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