You probably already know, deep down, that something has to change, that you’ve got to a place where things are can’t go on as they are. But at the heart there’s this niggling question, a fear even. If I change, will people still like me? Will those I’m close to still love me? I’ve been […]
Read moreWhen you look at yourself, you wonder are you really that broken? Or you think, Counselling? That’s way too self-indulgent. You can sort yourself out. You should be able to get through this (whatever this is) without help. I mean, only people with ‘serious’ problems go to counselling. Anyhow, what would your family think? It’s […]
Read moreThis one’s a tough one. There’s a voice inside that tells you, you’re not worth it, you keep screwing up, you’re not attractive enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not successful enough (and I can guess that list goes on and on). I know that voice. It is a killer. It kills your self-esteem, it […]
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